How to Choose the Perfect Teacher Planner
Where do I begin? Haha! How does one choose the PERFECT Teacher Planner? Is that even possible?
For YEARS I purchased your standard planner from the Target Dollar Spot, Staples, and classroom supply stores. Yes, they worked…as long as I kept things typical.
What on earth does that mean?
That means that everything I was planning could fit into one block and that I was teaching several subjects per day. As we know, this isn’t always the case. Not only that, I was finding that I need MORE when it came to being organized. I needed something that was flexible, editable, and went beyond lesson planning.
I needed an organizational system, so that is what I created!
How can a planner be an organizational system?
It’s simple.
- It has to be completely editable.
- It has to have more than just lesson planning pages and basic student information.
- It has to contain planning pages for ALL aspects of your classroom, which are also editable.
- It has to be both something I can print and store in my Google Drive.
I got to work, and in 2013, I created exactly what I needed. #gamechanger!
Small group forms? Got it!
Interactive classroom setup? Heck yeah!
Lesson reflection forms? Yep!
Forms for parents? It’s there!
RTI? Center planning? Guided reading? Schedules? IEP organization?
YES!! The list is TOOOOO big to put in one post. Feel free to click HERE to see everything that’s included.
You can change the colors, fonts, size of text boxes, and wording. It works FOR YOU and WILL NOT limit your planning capabilities.
Check out this
I’m THRILLED that I can officially offer this product to my fellow teachers! I started TpT in 2013, and had the idea for my teaching binders as soon as I began. I had always wanted to create a go-to place for my classroom forms and overall organization, and I had NO IDEA that so many other teachers were looking for the same kind of organization as me!
Since that time, I have created 9 theme-specific binders, which I have used in my classroom since they were created. They are always on the TpT best seller lists in the summer, as teachers prepare to organize their classroom lives in the fall, and are also a huge hit in December/January when my Australian friends are finding their way back into their classrooms!
With that being said, I am SO SO SOOO excited to announce the release of my latest, and greatest binder yet! I can honestly say that I have NEVER seen a more versatile binder in all of my years of teaching. Below, you will find pictures that help depict what you will be getting with your purchase.
Click HERE to take a closer look at my product description!

Free Teacher Planner Forms
Keep track of important information in a stylish and practical way.These printable planning forms are the perfect way to organize your classroom information. You can place them into a binder or add them to your favorite Happy Planner or custom teacher planner!